
The European Outdoor trade fair larger and more international than ever before – new records set
The OutDoor show is heading for a new record. With 577 direct exhibitors and a net area of 25,000 m2, in 2004, the European trade fair is reaching new heights and is again registering record figures: a two-figure increase in the exhibition area and number of exhibitors. “We are presenting the largest OutDoor show in its eleven-year history”, says Messe CEO, Rolf Mohne, with pride.
本届展览在好多方面都创立了新的记录,557家参展商参展,展场净面积25,000平方米。无论是展览面积还是参展商的数目相对于以往都有两位数的增长,展会的CEO Rolf Mohne自豪的说,“这将是11年来最具规模的展”。
The facts speak for themselves: 577 direct exhibitors from 35 countries representing 700 brands with 70 percent of participants coming from abroad. The nature-sports show will be staged in nine exhibition halls. In its elh year, the European OutDoor exhibition, which will be held from Thursday, 22 to Sunday, 25 July 2004 at the new exhibition grounds in Friedrichshafen and which is only open to the specialist trade, is expanding once again.
具统计,本届展会577家参展商来自35个国家,共计展示了700多个品牌,其中70%是 来自以外的品牌。
The concentrated strength of the international outdoor industry has set up base camp at the exhibition grounds in Friedrichshafen by the shores of Lake Constance: never before has an industry presented itself so completely. The leading German outdoor companies will be present, as will the market leaders from other countries. “The OutDoor show is playing in Friedrichshafen” – this is the simple denominator bringing together the whole event. “One industry – one trade show.” The exclusive focus on outdoor goods reveals the extremely sessful concept backing this fair. “OutDoor is Europe’s leading outdoor tradeshow. The range of products is extensive and the presentation possibilities set new standards”, says Project Manager, Stefan singer.
无论是展会的规模还是展览的水平都达到了一个新的高度。 |